The Green Goblin returns the Amazing Spider-Man Under Artist Stuart Immonen

As if Spider-Man fans didn’t have enough to be excited about, comic book fans are rejoicing today as one of our favorite web heads greatest foes is returning at the hand of the esteemed artist Stuart Immonen.

Marvel announced today that Norman Osborn is returning to the Spider-Man universe as the Green Goblin. Yes that’s right he’s back and more dangerous than ever. Previously in the comic universe Peter Parker cured the Green Goblin of his goblin serum. Now we have a fully sane Goblin with all of his genius which makes him more dangerous than ever.

Editor Nick Lowe stated to “Amazing Spider-Man #25 is huge and gorgeous. It’s a 40-page story that he and Dan Slott did together and it looks absolutely amazing. Spider-Man looks amazing. Peter Parker looks incredible. There’s some stuff in there that is so charming and fun and exciting and action-packed, and the fact that Norman Osborn is going to be our main villain for this arc, and Stuart draws terrifying villains with these kind of cold eyes I cannot wait for people to see what he does with Norman. But yes, we are so stoked to be working together, and he and Dan are working really well together, too. It’s got me super pumped up about this new era of Spider-Man.”

Stuart Immonen is famous for his work on Ultimate X-Men, The New Avengers, and Ultimate Spider-Man. And won the Joe Shuster Award for Outstanding Artist in 2010.

When asked what Stuart’s greatest strengths were Nick Lowe continued to say “Blockbuster action feels like blockbuster action. It’s got a punch to it. It’s got energy. It’s got the scope. He can draw anything. His characters look heroic. They look exciting. They look glamorous.

The thing that I think that he does incredibly well is the acting, the character acting. I love looking at his Tumblr and seeing the reference pictures that he puts up that he takes of himself with the different facial expressions and the acting that he gets out of his characters. They feel real and they feel like there’s a life behind those eyes that he draws, and that’s so cool to see. He draws a smile, like a sly smile, better than anyone else that I know. There’s that spark in everyone and I really love that”

2017 is going to be a great year to be a Spider-Man fan. Stay tuned for even more web slinging adventures.
