Goodbye, Old Man Logan!

“Goodbye, Old Man Logan” is such a bittersweet thing to say. The Old Man Logan run is unfortunately coming to an end, but as we all know, all good things must come to an end at some point. Marvel sat down with writer, Jeff Lemire to talk about Old Man Logan, and his final arc on the book titled Past Lives.

The final arc of the book will follow the title characters throughout time in important moments of Wolverine history.  Though Jeff didn’t want to spoil how things end, he did however answer the question if he would ever return to the character.

Jeff Lemire: Once I leave a character or a title, I tend to let it go. I spend a lot of time thinking about the characters as I write them, so afterwards I sort of move on. I know others will find plenty more great stories to tell with this character though.

Past Lives will start the end of the Old Man Logan run with issue #21! The issue will be available in April. Read the full interview over at !

Are you sad to see Old Man Logan go?  What are your hopes for Wolverine in the future in the Marvel Comics Universe? Let us know in the comics below!

As always, we’ll continue to update you on all things Wolverine and Marvel.