Kate Leth Gives An Update On HellCat

Kate Leth, writer of Patsy Walker A.K.A HellCat, gave an update on upcoming story arc. In an upcoming story arc for the comic, Patsy seems to be under the weather, and Kate sat down with Marvel to give us the details.


Marvel.com: What has Patsy under the weather? Are we talking common cold, flu, or something worse?

Kate Leth: Patsy’s come down with a mild case of the reality-warping, dimension-skewing sniffles.

Marvel.com: The world, alas, does not stop spinning for us when we are sick and I’d assume it is the same for Patsy. While she cuddles under a blanket and slurps chicken soup, what might be unfolding in the wider world?

Kate Leth: Patsy is actually readily involved in this one—or, I should say, reluctantly.

What starts off as a few innocent fires rapidly evolves into real danger! With no clues as to where it comes from or how to stop it, Patsy’s left feeling overwhelmed and helpless, on top of an already Everest-like mountain of stress. It’s not her best week!

You can check out the rest of the interview on Marvel.

The upcoming issue will be available on February 15th! Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat is written by Kate Leth and art by Brittney Williams. Are you excited to read the new issue? We definitely are!

As always, we’ll continue to keep you updated on Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat and all things Marvel