Old Foes Rise Again Against Avengers Academy

The Avengers have just taken down Malekith and closed the Casket of Ancient Winters. But something else is looming just over the horizon for the Avengers. They have spent the last year locking up some of the worst villains like Ronan The Accuser, Mephisto, and much more!

But now they have all escaped!

Marvel.com got the chance to ask Allen Warner, Lead Narrative Designer at TinyCo, about what this means going forward. In the interview, Warner stated that

“We’re bringing back a total of 15 recruitable characters from 2016, with some battling the bosses, and others needing to be rescued from the escaped villains. This includes Winter Soldier, Union Jack, Punisher, Electro, Blade, Green Goblin, and more. It’s an opportunity for longtime players to get some of the characters they may have missed in previous events, and for newer players to get a bunch of characters who weren’t available when they started playing.”

Which is great for me since I have missed out on Winter Soldier, Punisher, and Blade. Also, you will notice that once the event starts if you have Ronan, Carnage, Mephisto, or Kingpin locked up the cells will be empty for the entire event and if you haven’t captured all 4 of the villains you will also have another shot at capturing them according to Warner.

The story for the event is loosely inspired by the “Under Siege” storyline as Baron Zemo will lead the escaped villains only to find out that Mephisto had been pulling the strings along.

Along with the event info, Warner was asked about the future of upcoming events including one with Ultron and another with Hawkeye finally joining the team as a playable character. He also mentioned that due to the positive responses of the hangouts from the Halloween Event, that hangouts will be making their way back into the game as a full-time feature which will help you to unlock Ares for the first time!

Thanks to Marvel.com for the information from the interview!

What do you guys think of this news? Excited about some of the characters coming back? Do you already have all of the characters? Let me know down in the comments or on social media on Facebook or on Twitter!

Also, check out the rest of my coverage for Avengers Academy including the most recent event with the A-Force!