Comixology Makes (Nearly) Every Single Legion Comic Available Online

Legion is shaping up to be something unbelievable. An experience that singles out the cool and the weird and Fox and Marvel – in an attempt to begin the Fox Television Universe are making it easy for people to get involved.  Imagine our surprise when – upon checking comixology to pick up the latest releases – we discovered a Legion Legacy collection available for download!

Collected in 11 different volumes ranging from solo Legion stories to the New Mutants, (relevant if you’re considering the New Mutants movie coming soon from Fox), this is a full collection of all of David Haller’s appearances in comics available cheap at 3.99.


We picked up a few volumes to see how our information matches up with what we knew about Legion’s David Haller and so far we haven’t been disappointed.  Rumors of a reprint of the series have been circulating for awhile,  and it’s nice to see comixology working so closely with Marvel Television to promote it’s products.  Remember, Comixlogy also gave away Iron Fist volume 1, for free.

If you haven’t downloaded Comixology yet we can’t recommend it enough.  Get your NCBD deals from midnight to 1 am every Tuesday.  It’s no substitute for the camaraderie of your local comic book shop (and it does eat up space on your devices because you can’t stop downloading books) However getting a copy of iron fist, or volumes of Legion for very cheap makes it a reasonable fair trade.  The best mix of comics are a mix of ones that you can buy (and hopefully have sign at your local comic book convention) but it makes it easy to find the harder to find issues. Check it out Here

We’ll report back with a Legion comic book review as soon as possible. In the meantime tell us what you think and if you’re planning on picking up Legion comics in the comments below. Excelsior!