DC Films Podcast – Episode 27: Batfleck Steps Down

In this week’s episode, the gang discusses some hard hitting topics including the latest in Aquaman casting news, Temuera Morrison, Nicole Kidman, and Yahya Abdul-Mateen ll are in negotiations to play Aquaman’s father, Aquaman’s mother, and Black Manta respectively. Also, THE LEGO BATMAN MOVE COMES OUT FEBRUARY 10, WHO’S EXCITED?!?!?! Our hosts are! The star studded cast includes Zach Galifinakis, Rosario Dawson, Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, Channing Tatum, Mariah Carey – Wait, what? Mariah Carey? *reads movie’s wikipedia page* “Mariah Carey as Mayor McCaskill” Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. This should be interesting. Lastly, Ben Affleck has officially stepped down from director of The Batman. What could this mean for the production of the movie DC fans have been waiting years for? Who could possibly take on the role of director, or rather, who could we possibly trust taking on the role of director of such a highly anticipated film? Our hosts weigh in this and much more in the latest episode of DC Films Podcast!

[DISCLAIMER: this episode was recorded before the big news of Matt Reeves closing in on a deal to direct The Batman]

“DC Films Podcast, a product of DC TV Podcasts and DC Comics News/Dark Knight News, is dedicated to covering the DC Comics movies in the DC Extended Universe. Hosted by Sark Sharkskin, Roy Ranous, Shaina Lucas, and Jessica Rossi the podcast features the latest news, rumors, speculation and reviews. DC Films Podcast is not affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Bros. Pictures. Logos and artwork featuring DC Comics characters or properties, are trademark of DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures.”

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Special Shout Outs: Mike Schmidt who did the composing of the DC Films Podcast theme song and David Jones for designing the podcast logo