Secret Empire Event Announced

It’s finally here, True Believers. After several teasers, we finally have confirmation on what Secret Empire is. Thanks to ABC News, we know now that it is Marvel’s next big event. It will be the climax to everything Nick Spencer has been doing in both Captain America: Sam Wilson and Captain America: Steve Rogers.

The event series will start with issue #0 in April and will last 9 issues. The series will also be written by Spencer. It will feature art from Steve McNiven (Civil War, Uncanny Inhumans), Andrea Sorrentino (Old Man Logan, Uncanny X-Men Annual), Leinil Yu (Inhumans vs. X-Men, AXIS) and Daniel Acuna (Captain America: Sam Wilson, Uncanny Avengers). Marvel’s Senior Vice President Tom Brevoort spoke to ABC News about the series.

“Steve has been kind of lining his dominoes up around the Marvel Universe to be able to make his move and bring about a Hydra revolution, a takeover… … At the point of ‘Secret Empire,’ they are ready to go. That’s the moment we hit as we go in… [Steve Rogers is] done with the covert portion, the buildup portion of the program.”

He also added that Secret Empire will kick off…

“not one, not two, but three separate events break out all at once. Cap, as head of S.H.I.E.L.D., is able to mobilize forces to all three of those situations. And those three situations represent Hydra’s first move. It comes off the blocks explosively right from the get-go.”

Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso when on to say that Secret Empire is designed to unite Marvel’s heroes, after all the division that came with previous events such as Civil War 2 and Inhumans vs. X-Men.

“We’ve just come off of ‘Civil War II’ and ‘Inhumans vs. X-Men,’ two big, dark events that had heroes fighting against heroes, over somewhat defensible positions… …This is very much more an old school story. You will know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. This is not heroes fighting heroes, this is heroes fighting a bad guy… We saw this moment as our chance to rally the entire Marvel Universe, which has been fragmented of late.”

I don’t know about all of you out there, but I personally am really excited for this new event. It will be nice to see the heroes working together again. This is clearly something big they’ve been working on for a while and will change the Marvel Universe as whole, for the better in my opinion. What do you guys think? Are you excited for Secret Empire? What do you think about evil Steve Rogers showing his true colors? Let us know in the comments below.