Iron Fist Episode Review 1.11-1.12

Iron Fist Episode Review 1.11: Lead Horse Back To Stable.

Episode Synopsis:

Claire uses her improvisational skills, and  Colleen gets conflicting information. Danny yearns to be more than just a destroyer.

At the end of Episode 10, Danny (Finn Jones) was injured in a fight against members of the Hand. So when we come into the top of episode 11, he and Davos (Sacha Dhawan) need to go to a safe place for Danny to get healed. These two friends who’s relationship is more of a brotherly one get into arguments over ideologies of where the Iron Fist should be.

Of course, Claire (Rosario Dawson) is who Danny seeks out for medical attention. She is able to heal Danny’s wound as well as she can, which impresses Davos. Claire ends up learning a lot about the Iron Fist’s lore as well as the sort of brotherly rivalry between Davos and Danny, and Davos’ obvious envy for Danny being the Iron Fist. If you’re familiar with the comics, you’ll know exactly why this scene between Claire and Davos is extremely important.

Claire is hurt when she finds out from Danny about who Colleen(Jessica Henwick)  is actually involved with. Will their relationship with Colleen be saved? Or will it always be tainted now? These are questions that this episode poses.

Joy Meachum (Jessica Stroup) finds out that Danny had known a certain piece of information, but was keeping it secret from her, which this may have possibly  caused a rift between the recently reunited childhood friends.

Colleen in this episode tries to explain her side to both Claire and Danny that for now seems to not be accepted by them. However, Colleen attempts to make this right, but in doing so she ends up learning information that rocks the foundation that had been instilled in her for years. How will Colleen handle this going forward?

There are also flash backs to Danny and Davos’ past in Ku’Lun, which is one of my favorite scenes of this episode. My favorite scene of this episode though is the scene between Claire and Davos. Claire’s reactions to learning more about the Iron Fist lore; Davos letting his guard down for a minute and revealing his envy for Danny being the Iron Fist was just such a moving moment.

This episode is one of the more compelling episodes of the season, especially the scenes with Davos and Colleen who are major standouts from the new characters joining the Netflix-Marvel world. The pacing is still a bit slow in some moments, but I think most of the Marvel Netflix shows suffer from pacing issues. However, pacing is a personal preference, so the pacing of the this show may not bother others, which I fully understand.

The episode does a lot of wonderful building for potential awesome story arcs for a season two, if Netflix green lights a season two.