REVIEW : Spider-Man #15 “The Truth”

Spider-Man #15
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciler : Szymon Kudranski
Colorist : Justin Ponsor
Letterer : VC’s Corey Petit
Release Date : 4/5/17
Price : $3.99



After traveling the multiverse to save his father Miles and his dad finally return home. However once they arrive they discover that Miles’ mother Rio has uncovered both her husband and son’s big secrets.


I am a sucker for a good identity reveal and, oh boy, is this a good one. I covered a majority of the Spider-Gwen crossover, and while I thought it was a fun story, I was glad to get back into the swing of things. Lies have been a huge recurring theme in this current Miles series. Right from the start, his mother has been concerned about his behavior. This is where things really come to a head. If you’re a fan of Bendis, then you are aware that he is best known for his character writing. This issue is a perfect example of that. There isn’t any action in this at all, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard hitting. It hits you right in the feels. What I really liked about this issue is how different Miles’ mom reaction to learning his identity was compared to how she originally found out in the ultimate universe.

Bendis has always been great at creating a sense of realism with his characters, especially in terms of their interactions. You have to keep Rio’s perspective in mind. This isn’t just a little white lie. Her son and husband have been lying to her for years. She constantly worries about them without knowing what they’re doing at all, and suddenly both are missing. She’s worried out of her mind, so she investigates them herself and finds out their secrets. The pain she shows when confronting Miles and Jefferson is absolutely heartbreaking. Miles is devastated and afterwards his mother decides to leave to get some space. She won’t reveal their secrets, but instead she decides to tell everyone that Jefferson cheated on her. Miles’ family is shaken, thing will never be the same from here on out. It’s going to be interesting to see how Miles deals with this.


The art in this issue is beautiful. It takes a lot of skill to be able to convey emotion in a way that really jumps off the page. There are moments where the art really shines, especially in the few instances when very little to know dialog is used. Every panel of the conversation between Rio, Miles, and Jefferson feels so raw. It really makes you feel the power of these moments. Usually the art in Miles’ series is usually bright and colorful, but this issue takes a darker shift to reflect the more somber tone of the issue. The use of facial expression close ups and shadows really adds emotional weight to the situation.


Honestly as much as I love Miles, I have to say that his stories haven’t been nearly as interesting as back when he was in the Ultimate Universe. Thankfully, this issue has really turned things around in my opinion. This is what has been missing from Miles: heart, emotion, and most importantly character development. Finally it seems like Bendis is getting things in gear. This shake up opens plenty of story potential for the future. I loved it. I can proudly say that this issue helped me fall back in love with Miles’ solo series. The ending kind of slowed down the momentum for me, but other than that I felt that this issue was fantastic. If you’re a Miles Morales fan and you haven’t been feeling this series lately, then I highly recommend that you pick this issue up, because it just might change your mind. I know it changed mine.

Star Rating

4.5\5 Stars