Yesterday saw the first photo of The Inhumans hit the internet. We got a good look at the royal family from Black Bolt to his brother Maximus. We even got a look at Gorgon, Karnak and Crystal. It inspired feelings across the internet. Love it or hate it, we’ve got a teaser today that’s left us far more curious. Beginning with a look at a futuristic compound in shadow and what sounds like Iwan Rheon asking “will we remain as silent as our king?” before a female voice asks him if this is wise. Maximus insists that he wants “freedom” for all inhumans, though how much remains to be see and in what capacity. Check out the teaser below.
Fans of the comics will remember that while Maximus and his brother don’t get along, Maximus is also dubbed “the mad” for a reason. Likewise, Black Bolt, while a good king, is also the reason for the birth of the “nuhumans” across the world after detonating a bomb that created a terrigen cloud which caused the creation of nuhumans ranging from Kamala Khan to Ulysses from the Civil War II event. Clearly there are a lot of politics in play here, though the nature of these politics and how they’ll affect the fan favorite royal family remains to be seen.
Marvel also dropped a list of the actors, now on twitter for people to follow. The whole royal family will be sharing their tweets about being inhuman and the new series. If only Lockjaw had thumbs.
Hey Marvelites! #FF #Inhumans
— Lorraine Cink
(@lorrainecink) May 5, 2017
These emoji are interesting. We like the tiny cop next to Sonya Blamores character. A subtle hint for what’s to come perhaps? Either way we’ve got a brand new teaser! Maximus asking for “Freedom” for his fellow inhumans! Can we trust maximus? Should we trust black bolt? Sound off in the comments below and tell us what you think about the series.
Marvel’s The Inhumans stars Anson Mount as Black Bolt, Serinda Swan as Medusa, Iwan Rheon as Maximus and Eme Ikwuakor as Gorgon. It’s slated to premiere in IMAX Sept 1rst before premiering the rest of it’s 8 episode season Tuesdays on ABC.