MTV Movie Awards Introduces Brand New Spider-Man: Homecoming Clip

With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 hitting 156 million opening weekend, all eyes are turning to the next of 3 movies on Marvel’s slate – Spider-Man: Homecoming.  Stars Zendaya and Tom Holland are hitting up various programs from lip sync battle to movie award circuits trying to prepare us for the 10th solo Spider-man film.   The stars shared a brand new clip with us that provides some background to a popular scene in the trailer with Peter’s nerdy best friend Ned.  You can check it out below and watch as things come apart – a metaphor perhaps for Peter’s secrets during the course of the film? Only time will tell.


How in love are you with Ned? He’s amazing.

While we’re sure to see more of Spider-Man: Homecoming and more of Peter Parker  and his compatriots before the film’s July release date it wasn’t the only Marvel news to hit the MTV movie awards.  Logan and Laura took home an award for “Best Duo” (where’s that X-23 movie James Mangold? We’re willing to wait for it!)  Mike Colter was nominated for “Best Hero” and Logan was up for best new movie of the year.

The award for best film went to Beauty and the Beast (that could be a subtitle for Logan if we’ve heard one) but don’t feel too bad for Logan.  Writer-Director James Mangold will be bringing Logan back to theaters with a special black and white cut of the film.  According to multiple sources, fans of Logan eager to see James Mangold bring the grit to this gritty noir-cowboy story should make no plans for May 16th.

As for Luke Cage, best hero went to Taraji P Henson for Hidden Figures.  Overwhelmingly deserved.  If Mrs Henson is looking for any future projects can we humbly suggest that director Cheo Hodari Coker consider her for Luke Cage season 2? It is in production after all and it’d be amazing to see Mrs. Henson’s talent everywhere.


Excited for Spider-Man: Homecoming? Ready to see Tom Holland swing solo? Heading to theaters for Logan or ready for Luke Cage season 2? Hit the comments below and tell us exactly what you think.

Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters July 5th 2017.