Secret Empire Adds Extra Issue

Secret Empire adds extra issue. After the surprise cliffhanger of issue #2, Marvel comics has announced that there will be an extra issue to end the series at the end of the summer. The news comes via Newsarama.

Tom Brevoort,  Marvel’s senior vice president and executive editor, had this to say:

“Nick [Spencer] has constructed each issue of Secret Empire so that it ends with a climactic twist or a big reveal or a shocking development, and issue #9 is no exception So moving into the finale, with issue #10, the heroes across the Marvel Universe will be pushed to the breaking point as we race to the exhilarating climax we’ve been planning for months. Oh, and let me say again: we’re not going to use the Cosmic Cube to simply reverse everything away – the stakes matter, maybe more than they ever have before.”

The all new Secret Empire #10 is scheduled for an August release. The artist, Steve McNiven, who worked on issue #1 of Secret Empire will return for the finale issue.  Hmmm…what’s under the classified part of the cover?!

What do you think of Secret Empire getting an additional issue? Have you been picking up with the series? If so, have you been enjoying it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

As always, we’ll continue to update you on all things Secret Empire and marvel.