
Characters We Want to See in Marvel’s New Spider-Man Game for PS4

Non-Spider Related Heroes

Peter’s likeability goes beyond spider related heroes. Everyone knows about his connection and idolization of Iron Man, but since he’s going to be in Spider-Man Homecoming, I think the game should explore his lesser known idol/friend Captain America. Another captain I think should be in the game is Captain Marvel a.k.a. Carol Danvers. She has been a long-time friend and one-time love interest of Peter’s. She could be used to show the wider world and test the grounds for a possible game for her. Not all heroes need to have a big role. Some it would be cool to see in a cameo. Like, has Luke Cage with his wife, in the comics and maybe game, Jessica Jones. He could even be used a joke to get mad when he finds out about the crush. Another cameo I could see is the, criminally underused character, Shang Chi. He could just come in to help Peter at one point, train him to level him up or even just use him for the tutorial. I even thought of a reoccurring cameo if rights issues aren’t a thing, Deadpool. I love Peter and Wade’s relationship and banter. He could just pop up a couple time in the game after a very dramatic moment to ease the tension. Follow to the next page for Villains.