The Gifted Character Profile: Who Is Blink?

We’re unbelievably excited for The Gifted. The second series in the TV Mutantverse focuses on a family forced to go underground to support their gifted children. The notion of a mutant underground isn’t a new one in the movies, but a television show will give people an opportunity to really connect with the characters.  There are a number of major figures in the mutant undergrounds that have sprung up throughout Marvel comics universe.  We’ve also seen a few of these mutants already in the film X-Men: Days of Future Past. One of these characters is Blink (Jamie Chung) who will finally get a chance to shine and a spotlight she deserves. Check it out!

Who Is Clarice Ferguson AKA Blink?

Born Clarice Ferguson, Blink’s parents immigrated to the United States from Puerto Rico.  Her parents died protecting her from the Sentinels.  She became a freedom fighter to honor their memory.  That’s one version of the story.

Originally introduced in the 616 continuity, Blink was a young mutant who was kidnapped along with another group of mutants to form the junior X-Men team Generation X.  She sacrificed herself to cut up the alien who was holding her hostage.  She was “sacrificed” and her fellow prisoners were let free.  It was later discovered that she had been thrown into another dimension.  Her ability is so powerful it allowed her to jump into multiple alternate realities.

In a second reality she joined an X-Men team created by Magneto. Dedicating herself to saving humans, she fought beings that she encountered in the negative zone before disappearing to further fight crime. Shaped by a reality warping power, Clarice has dedicated herself to truth, justice, and being a hero.

Her Powers and Abilities

Blink is a teleporter who can move massive groups of people as well as herself. She can also use her powers destructively, as she is able to teleport parts of individuals or parts of objects.  She can also use these abilities to generate portals which are typically pink and created with a ‘blink’ sound.

Blink shares abilities with another teleporter – Kurt Wagner, AKA Nightcrawler.  This is actually addressed in a hilarious bit in one of the first comics.  (But no, she and Kurt aren’t related.) Physically she is pink with green tinted eyes and unusual markings around the face.  Much like Kurt, they’ve been there since birth.

Outside of mutant abilities, Blink is a freedom fighter in the comics so it can be assumed she has some skills that would allow her to do battle and save other mutants – especially against Sentinel Services.  Comics wise it’s never specifically stated that she has combat skills.

Why Blink is a Perfect Fit For The Gifted

The premise of The Gifted– a mutant underground trying to protect all mutants is a nice change from the Exiles storyline where mutants are the ones hunting human beings. This twist of a mutant underground feels timely, especially given the nature of the world today.  Supporting the lives of those who are different is a core part of the X-Men universe. Here’s hoping the mutant underground plays a large role in the lives of the Strucker Family.

It’s an important fit for Blink because in the comics she’s a warrior in an underground network.  It makes sense with her history and a large chunk of her story has to do with her coping within the rules and regulations of a family unit while trying to do the right thing as a freedom fighter. Hopefully we will get to see her own struggles within the organization and how she fits in with the other characters.

One way or another Clarice is a freedom fighter and for a show based around freedom fighters that makes her an ideal fit for The Gifted.  

Catch Her in the Comics

Blink has a 4 issue mini series available on Comixology. It is written by Scott Lobdell with art by Trevor McCarthy.   You can check it out here, and each issue is currently $1.99.

Blink also features prominently in the X-Men Exiles series and as a character she appears in over 528 issues.  She’s also previously appeared on screen in X-Men: Days of Future Past (where she was played by Fan Bingbing).

No matter where you catch Blink or which version of the character is your favorite her presence in The Gifted will hopefully give her a chance to shine. She has a complex history that makes her choices worth exploring, especially in today’s political climate.  Fingers crossed that we’ll see more of Blink in the world of The Gifted but choosing this character means that they’re halfway there.

Are you intrigued by Clarice? Ready for her television debut? As always, make sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

The Gifted premieres on October 2nd at 9 PM on Fox.