One of the most recognizable names in the Teen Titans mythology is DC Comics writer Marv Wolfman who together with George Perez reinvented the superhero group back in the 1980s. Our own Kat Calamia, who works for Newsarama, recently spoke with the comic legend about the evolution of the Teen Titans as they looked at the past, present, and future.
Throughout the interview, Kat got Wolfman to talk about his thoughts so far on the upcoming Teen Titans live-action streaming series that is coming next year. Wolfman’s initial reaction was positive about the news that a show was coming as he also praised Geoff Johns who is executive producing the series.
“My first reaction was “Way cool.” Next was just keeping my fingers crossed that the characters, even with changes, would reflect the same attitudes and beliefs that we gave them. But then with Geoff Johns on it we knew it would be excellent. His run of Titans was excellent.”
Several actors have been cast for the show, with Beast Boy and a few others still waiting to get cast. When asked by Kat what Wolfman’s hopes are for the characters, he stressed that it’s more important how the characters are written and portrayed, rather than having to “look the part”.
“I don’t care if they look the exact same as they do in the comics; after all I don’t think too many six foot seven inch girls with natural gold skin and solid green eyes showed up at the casting call. What I care about is their character and personality, and that even with all the problems they face that they pull together and do what’s right. The Titans to me are, when push comes to shove, optimists.”
It is getting more common these days for comic book adaptations to get consulting from comic book writers who have handled those properties before. While Wolfman hasn’t been asked from the show, yet, he would love to pitch a story to the producers in the future or have some sort of involvement.
“I have no involvement with the show, but yes, I would love to. Love to be consulting or something, if not get a chance to pitch a story down the line. But a consulting gig would be more than great.”
Be sure to read Kat’s whole interview with Wolfman at Newsarama!
“Titans explores one of the most popular comic book teams ever. It follows a group of young soon-to-be superheroes recruited from every corner of the DC Universe. In the action-adventure series, Dick Grayson emerges from the shadows to become the leader of a fearless band of new heroes that includes Starfire, Raven and others.”
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