Lockjaw Reunites With His Family!

Lockjaw reunites with his family in an upcoming solo series! However, it’s not his royal family! Lockjaw will be reuniting with his actual dog family in this new series. The new Lockjaw series is written by Daniel Kibblesmith. Kibblesmith is a  writer for The Late Show and is a published author of the book, Santa’s Husband. News comes via Newsarama.

Daniel has come up with a rather cute and fun adventure for our favorite powered dog to go on! In Black Bolt #5, Saladin Ahmed (writer), introduced Lockjaw’s origin that he is an actual dog that was  born .  With Lockjaw’s solo series we will discover: how he got his powers and if he’s the only inhuman dog in the universe. Along with Lockjaw discovering his siblings!

Check out the cover art below:

In Lockjaw #1, we will discover that he has brothers and sisters! From then on, we will be following Lockjaw on his journey with D-Man as his companion. Sounds like a pretty fun adventure! The art will be done by Carlos Villa.

Lockjaw will be a four issue event with the first issue dropping in February! Are you interested in this series? What other adventures would you like to see Lockjaw go on? Is there another animal in the Marvel comics universe that you’d like to see get a solo mini series? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

As always, we’ll keep you updated on all things Lockjaw and Marvel!