Invincible Season 2 Episode 7 Review – “I’M NOT GOING ANYWHERE”

Another giant episode of Invincible. Just when I thought this episode couldn’t get any more insane. It found a way, and damn am I anticipating the Season 2 finale. The show breaks the fourth wall to a new Viltrumite named Anissa showing up. This episode of Invincible delivered on storytelling, and big character moments. There are many things to cover, so let’s not waste time. Let’s dive in, and chat about this crazy penultimate episode.

Invincible punched by Anissa

Invincible punched by Anissa

One of the biggest moments in the episode was an introduction to Anissa. This Viltrumite’s entrance was one of the best in the show. Mark and Amber are having a great date, after some questionable moments of their future. Anissa shows up, grabbing Amber’s neck. She threatens to kill Amber in front of Mark if he doesn’t talk with her. Anissa is scary, and she is deadly in this short appearance. She one-ups Mark in intelligence, and most importantly strength. Mark couldn’t stand a chance against her, he did try though. This is another reminder of the true threat of the Viltrumite army. The earth isn’t prepared at all for their eventual arrival.

With Anissa’s threat on Amber’s life. This seems to be the final nail in the coffin of Amber & Mark’s relationship. Their relationship has been a rollercoaster throughout this season so far. Now it seems they have hit a roadblock they can’t overcome. I am not surprised by this move by the show. Mark is constantly being pulled away, even in the opening of this episode. They tried to make this work, but unfortunately, it won’t. Mark needs to focus on being a hero, and Amber needs to focus on her life. There may be a way to make it work, but not now. I get why they had them together in the first place, but it’s time to move on.

Rex is back out in the field being a hero in Season 2 Episode 7

Rex is back out in the field being a hero in Season 2 Episode 7

After his near-death experience, Rex is back out in the field. Immediately, they show he isn’t actually up to doing this. Thankfully, Mark helps out towards the end of the fight. Rex could have died here, as he is just trying to prove he can do this. I have always been mixed on Rex since the start of the series. I think the show wants us fans to be divided on him, as it seems fans are conflicted about Rex. He is a character with flaws, which this show has plenty of. Rex went through a horrible situation, and he doesn’t want to stop this part of his life. He shouldn’t have rushed out, plain and simple.

The show decided to do something so bonkers, but it also fits within the show’s craziness. They decided to be very meta and address the animation of the series. Mark meets a guy at their version of Comic-Con and asks about an animated TV series. The guy admits animation takes a long time and ways to get around certain animation. Like when talking, a mouth is covered by the speaker, or cut to behind their head. Also, showcasing a long shot with a room full of people, but they aren’t moving. I love that they addressed this, as a major critique of Invincible is the inconsistent animation. Some moments are fantastic, but others are very minimal.

Angstrom Shows Up At The End Of The Episode, Major Cliff Hanger!

Angstrom Shows Up At The End Of The Episode, Major Cliff Hanger!

Mark is mourning after the breakup with Amber. I figured the episode wasn’t truly over, and I was correct. He answers a call from his mom, but it’s Angstrom using her phone. I am excited for this showdown, but I honestly wish there was more buildup. Angstrom was introduced in a big way in the Season 2 Premiere. He is transformed into this new version now, but then he is MIA for a good portion of the season. I know we had a lot of other storylines to cover, but he should have played a bigger role before this cliffhanger. There could have been a better balance with his character in the series.

In the mid-credit scene, Anissa arrives on the Viltrumite ship that has Omni-Man prisoner. She admits failing to turn Mark to their side. Before the conversation goes any further, they see Allen The Alien flying nearby. We finally get proof Allen can withstand an attack from a Viltrumite. Anissa attacks him, and he is barely phased by a punch from her. He hits back, drawing blood from Anissa. He fakes getting knocked out to be captured, which is very smart. I think he will meet up with Omni-Man somehow, and break out from the ship. A lot of interesting things went down in this episode. I can’t wait to see what happens in the finale!

Invincible Season 2 Episode 7 is now available on Amazon Prime Video