Disclaimer: This FROM interview contains plots spoilers through season 3 episode 6.
Jade is a beloved fan-favourite character. Whether he’s rambling theories about the town’s mysteries, being terrified by horrific hallucinations, he brings charm in abundance. There is a softer side beneath his rough edges. He can regularly be found having softer moments of genuine connection with various townsfolk.
David Alpay joined us for an exclusive interview to talk about all things Jade and his reaction to the FROM season 3 finale.

NOTE: This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.
Alpay: How are you?
LadyJenevia: I’m doing great. I just finished season three so I’m trying to contain myself because a lot happened. Going back earlier into the season, we saw that Kenny told Jade that Tian-chen really liked him. What impact did that death have on how Jade approached trying to solve the mystery of the town?
Alpay: That’s a great question. I think it gave it more urgency. Tian-chen was very special to Jade. I think about it sometimes. Was he projecting on Tian-chen the feelings that he had about his grandmother? All those things started to play together. When she’s eaten by the monsters, I think it really has a terrible effect on Jade. He starts spiralling even more out of control.
It also makes it that much more urgent to get out of town, get back to the real world, find a way out, and to keep that promise that he made her. It was to never be forgotten, to get out of here, and to take everybody with you, even the people we’ve lost.

LadyJenevia: It was really beautiful to see a more vulnerable side of him as a character. I have to ask, Jade and Tabitha are beginning to work together more to try to solve this puzzle and mystery. What sort of collaborative dialogue did you have with Catalina as you two embarked on this evolution of their relationship?
Alpay: That’s a great question. We’ve definitely broken down script together but there is a a sort of limit to what we can accomplish outside the scope of the scripts. We get them as we’re filming them so we don’t really know what’s happening one or two episodes down the line. We’re just dealing with what we have right now.
I’ll tell you, like as much of a surprise as it was to you, it was to us as well, how the season ends. I for one didn’t really see that coming. It was shocking, but you’re right. Their relationship is pivots and is going to continue to pivot as a consequence of that.

LadyJenevia: I find Jade to be a bit of an enigma all throughout this season.
Alpay: Me too!
LadyJenevia: On the one hand, he seems to isolate himself quite a bit. Then on the other hand, we see these moments of him forming these more meaningful connections with some of the other people in the town.From your perspective as an actor, is Jade consciously or subconsciously seeking out those relationships and connections with other people?
Alpay: I think it’s a surprise to him as much as anybody else. I have noticed that. Whether it’s with Bakta, whether it’s with Tom, he finds these moments to take the mask off. The idea of Jade goes to the side and then he can almost be a real human being with people that he owes nothing to. Tian-chen, another great example.
I thought about that too. I thought about it in in season one or two where in Tian-chen’s presence he can say the things that are on his mind without really having to worry that she’s getting it all. It’s almost like a safe space for him to just blab and for all his insecurities and vulnerabilities to come out.
That’s been an interesting thing to see, too, with certain characters, like you mentioned, there are versions of Jade that come out. Sometimes he lets us see who he is and sometimes he needs to hide it.

LadyJenevia: If we get a season four, I do hope you get to have these little moments of comedy as well. Just as an example, I really love the moment where Jade keeps swearing in front of Ethan. He’s like, ‘Oh, sorry!’ but he still doesn’t stop! He just keeps going! It’s those little moments like that that I think really make the character feel real and also not always just upset and stressed out all the time.
Alpay: Yeah and that’s a testament to John Griffin. I mean, he writes those moments in. They’re perfect and it’s sort of like you don’t expect it to be a funny moment and then there it is. It makes those scenes that much more compelling. I think you’re right. You can’t be all serious all the time, you can’t be all manic all the time. I think there need to be moments of levity, for sure.
LadyJenevia: Definitely. I can tell that Jade is a character with layers and layers that we’re just going to keep peeling back. Again I will reiterate, we need a season 4 and I hope that you and I get to speak again because I’m so intrigued to see how you will play Jade’s evolution moving forward. My jaw was on the floor when I saw the season finale. Hopefully good things to come for him and by extension, you.
Alpay: That’s terrific. What a wonderful thing to say, thank you. Thank you.
Watch my full interviews with FROM stars David Alpay and Scott McCord here:
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