Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 2 Review

Cobra Kai Season 6 – Part 2 Review: Intense 2nd Act!

After months of waiting, Cobra Kai has finally returned to our screens. Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 2 doesn’t hold back with the emotional story lines, over the top action, and big reveals. This series continues to prove why its the most successful on Netflix. The wait is worth it as we dive into so many different things that I don’t have any complaints. There are many characters to root for, and some you love to hate. The Sekai Taikai has begun, and nothing will be the same.

The Miyagi-Do Team At The Sekai TaiKai

The Miyagi-Do Team At The Sekai Taikai

The biggest tournament is here, and thankfully it delivers on the expectations that was set during Season 5. We get some highlights of the other dojos, but many don’t get highlighted except for three. Miyagi-Do sadly are not prepared for how intense this is. Robby is to me the most frustrating character during these episodes. I understand the frustration of Tory joining Cobra Kai, but he loses his focus and it hurts the team. Robby has been a mixed character for me throughout the show, and this story line didn’t help me with that feeling.

Miyagi-Do’s whole journey through the Sekai Taikai is hard to watch at times. The fans have seen the characters go through some tough battles, but this is on another level. I figured this tournament wouldn’t be easy for them, but as per usual. My predictions and theories with this show normally aren’t right, and this happened again during Part 2. The fighting is top notch, and a fight so insane that the show-runners somehow managed to pull off is beyond insane. So many things were happening during this giant sequence, yet every single moment felt important. I should have know this would be coming by how tensions kept rising throughout the tournament.

The Captains Of The Iron Dragon Dojo

The Captains Of The Iron Dragon Dojo – Zara & Axel

A new dojo that is highlighted heavy for many reasons is Iron Dragon. This new team is essentially a second big bad of this batch of episodes. The captains shown above are not to be messed with. Axel towers over all the other opponents and he is force to be reckon with. In a clip released online, you can see how brutal and quick paced these two are. At points I even question who the real villains of Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 2 really are? The story line threads make it obvious its Cobra Kai, but Iron Dragon are the unstoppable team. So, essentially its two villain teams we have to worry about. Zara also make a point to cause more trouble, and its some of the best moments during these episodes.

A highlight for this long running series is the character relationships and all the dynamics between them. The Miyagi-Do team throughout Part 2 are in this constant motion of anger, confusion, and outright arguments. I understood exactly why this was happening, so many threads were started in Part 1 that dropped earlier this year. They set up these eventual fall out or arguments to happen during the biggest event for them. Of course this wasn’t going to be easy for them, and I appreciate it. We need to see these characters hit a low, like Demetri and Hawk’s friendship, before it can hopefully get repaired.

Team Cobra Kai With Their Sensai's Kreese & Kim

Team Cobra Kai With Their Sensai’s Kreese & Kim

As expected, Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 2 contains a few surprises. Should be surprised once they are revealed? Honestly no, because at this point this show loves to throw curve balls at us. The Sekai Taikai was always meant to be unpredictable, so I am glad that is the case. I want to applaud the show runners for not making all the big moments wait till the finale of this part. Every episode had something important to show us or reveal, as it will compound later. I don’t want to spoil the surprises, but Cobra Kai fans will not be disappointed by them.

I can’t wait to see how this wraps up, but how will it? There are so many theories, and based on where this part ends, I have no clue where we go from here. I don’t think many people could have predicted how the finale would have ended, but they go for it. I love these batch of episodes, as with mostly the entire show. Cobra Kai continues to prove its not only a good show with crazy karate action. It also has heart, and a lot of emotional moments that make you feel for the characters. We only have 5 more episodes, and Cobra Kai is done. There are talks of more stories aka spinoffs. We will have to wait and see on that for now.

Cobra Kai Season 6 Part 2 is now streaming on Netflix