The creative team, Jeremy Whitley and Elsa Charretier, behind Unstoppable Wasp recruit real scientists to help back up their leading...
The Uncanny Avengers will be getting a new writer, and that’s Jim Zub (Wayward, Thunderbolts). He will be starting his...
Marvel has announced a new comic book series today. The series is titled Edge of Venomverse. The Edge of Venomverse...
Salutations True Believers, it is no secret that Marvel Comics loves their vague teasers. Now, it appears that Marvel’s Editor...
The Doctor Strange team is getting an overhaul, and announced through tweets earlier today. CBR was on top of this earlier today...
For those wondering why Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat hasn’t be on Marvel’s May solicitations, we’ve got the update! Unfortunately, Hellcat...
Eddie Brock is Back This May In The Oversized VENOM #150! Oversized Anniversary Spectacular! Reunited, and it feels so good!...
He’s back true believers, to coincide with the release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, everyone’s favorite alien tree...
Marvel and Archie comics has announced their team up. The two iconic companies are partnering up for a new comic...
Marvel Comics tease Generations event for Summer of 2017 with just a single tweet. The social media update has sent the world...