With Netflix’s Iron Fist series looming over the horizon, Marvel has seen it fit to give Danny Rand his own comic as...
Back in 2013, Otto Octavius died in a blaze of villainous glory. Doctor Octopus nearly brought the world to an...
Anyone who read the Marvel Legacy #1 one-shot was likely shocked to see the X-Men’s Logan show up to pull...
Author N.K. Jemisin and artist Jamal Campbell reunite to tell one last Green Lantern Sojourner ‘Jo’ Mullein story in the...
‘Pure Blackness’ – John Ridley and Edwin Galmon Give Grace to Earth Two’s Superman for DC Power 2024
Earth-2’s Superman, Val-Zod, gets a mini spotlight in DC Power 2024, with a story by John Ridley and incredible art...
A new Storm title is heading our way! The creative team behind the new Storm title will be Ta-Nehisi Coates ...
That’s right! A second Astonishing X-Men art team has been announced. Mike Deodato Jr. and Frank Martin have been announced as...
Adam Warlock returns in Guardians Of The Galaxy #150! Though Marvel confirmed the return of Adam Warlock, the exact details...
The adult version of Jean Grey is making her return to the Marvel Universe, according to Newsarama. On Monday morning,...
Ms. Marvel and Black Panther have been nominated for Hugo awards after being blamed for the slump in comics sales....