Thor: Ragnarok delivers the third installment of the Thor movie franchise, which has been hit and misses so far. The original...
We’re still reeling from the people we lost in 2016, but no one knew that the Marvel Universe was also...
Spider-Man: Homecoming was an amazing standalone film but fans love knowing how it fits into the big picture, as well...
Spider-Man: Homecoming is in theaters and it is the best Spider-Man movie ever. Be warned, the following review contains some...
Welcome to the Media Madness Vidcast! Each week Kat and Jay do a show where we discuss the latest in TV...
With Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 hitting 156 million opening weekend, all eyes are turning to the next of 3 movies...
It’s May 5th, and if you are a Marvel Cinematic Universe fan, you know what that means. Guardians of the...
Back in 2014, a ragtag team of outcasts worked together to save the universe and become known as the Guardians of...
Welcome to Media Madness, a show that Kat and I do weekly on our group channel Comic Frontline. Each week we...
Marvel fans were surprised Monday morning with the debut of the first Thor: Ragnarok teaser trailer for the Taika Waititi’s upcoming...