The third episode of the show’s third season, titled, “A Wanted (Inhu)man,” answered a lot of questions and left us...
The fourth episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD‘s third season, “Devils You Know,” while providing insight on previously unanswered questions,...
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been a roller coaster ride for a lot of viewers. The first and second seasons had major...
Check out the trailer for next week’s episode of Agents of SHIELD titled “Chaos Theory” – if you haven’t seen...
Tuesday night’s episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. happened to be the 50th episode of the series, and boy, did it not disappoint. Before...
Check out the trailer as well as the official description and photo gallery for next week’s episode of Agents of...
The seventh episode of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD‘s third season, “Chaos Theory,” provides some answers while proving that perhaps, indeed,...
Tonight we witnessed one of the most exhilarating episodes of Agents of SHIELD that we’ve ever seen. There was a...
The fall portion of season three of Agents of SHIELD came to a massive conclusion with last night’s midseason finale...
Jessica Jones Review Episode 5 “AKA: The Sandwich Saved Me” “The Sandwich saved me” is an important episode for Jessica Jones. It...