HBO’s The Penguin, from showrunner Lauren LeFranc, is a brilliantly crafted story set in Matt Reeves’ Gotham, a week after...
WARNING: Spoilers for the first season of Terminator: Zero No Fate But What We Make. Judgement Day Returns On August...
The anticipation I feel for Batman: Caped Crusader was high for a long time. The idea of a series that...
WARNING: Spoilers for the seventh episode of House of the DragonRock the Dragon. Dragon’s Roar The penultimate episode begins with...
WARNING: Spoilers for the sixth episode of House of the Dragon. Tides of war begin to shift. Motherly Duties The...
Clark, Lois, and Jimmy deal with romance and work drama, more big bads, and an invasion that hits close to...
WARNING: Spoilers for the Season 4 finale for The Boys. The results are in, and The Boys finale has delivered...
Daniel, Johnny, & Chozen from Cobra Kai Season 6 The highlights are Daniel and Johnny’s story in this first part....
WARNING: Spoilers for the season finale of The Acolyte. “Always one, but born as two.” Full Circle The finale of...
WARNING: Spoilers for the fifth episode of House of the Dragon. “There is more than one way to fight a...