In ultra-sad news, Beau Bridges, on Twitter, informed the world that Powers Booth, known and loved by Marvel fans for his...
As most Marvel fans know, mutants are never going to exist within the world created by Marvel Studios on the...
Agents of SHIELD 4.19 Review: All the Madame’s Men Heart marks an episode that is light on plot but excels...
Agents of SHIELD 4.16 Review: “What If…” HYDRA has taken over in lieu of SHIELD. The familiar has been co-opted....
Aida truly becomes Ophelia as she learns for the first time what it is to be human and to feel....
Simmons and Daisy search for a backdoor out of the Framework. Mack has to make a decision. Coulson and May...
Agents of SHIELD 4.18 Review: No Regrets It’s just like old times as Coulson and Mace lead the charge on...
The comic genre on all mediums continues to grow with an announcement from FOX today about the long-awaited X-Men series,...
When the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) was fully announced and the lineup appeared to be set and finalized, one thing...
Agents of SHIELD 4.17 Review: “Identity and Change” As Daisy and Simmons gain help from The Framework’s SHIELD and Coulson...