Director James Gunn Confirms Fox & Marvel Studios Co-Own Skrulls

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Director James Gunn has embraced social media in creative ways by having impromptu Q&A on Twitter and Facebook Live with his fans as well as using the platforms as an open forum to see what his audience responds to and not.

As such, one of the things that comes up repeatedly is which and what studios own the rights to different characters. MCU fans are still dealing the result of Marvel licensing it’s IP in the 90s.

During one of his many Twitter Q&As, Gunn confirmed that the Skrulls are co-owned by Fox and Marvel Studios, although some of the more specific skrull characters are still owned by the former:

Some specific Skrulls are at Fox. But the Skrulls as a whole are co-owned.

This very exciting news as many MCU fans have yearned to see the villainous shape shifters on the silver screen and could provide great story material for future films. Maybe this could be the beginning of having Silver Surfer or even maybe the X-Men as recent rumor have suggested? Either way, it’s very nice for Mr. Gunn to keep the fans informed. Pay close attention to him on social (he’s on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat as MrJamesGunn).

Stay on alert Marvel fans, with SDCC less than two weeks out, the news on the MCU will be coming fast and furious. The Marvel Report will be represented at the annual convention and will be bringing you the best coverage in TV, film and comic news.