Guardians of the Galaxy to Appear in Avengers: Infinity War

It’s official folks! The Guardians of the Galaxy will appear in Avengers: Infinity War!

In a recent Facebook livestream with Groot himself, Vin Diesel, the actor confirmed some news that fans have been waiting to hear for a while:

“Next year you’ve got Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 coming and that whole concept started from you all saying ‘when are you gonna be in a Marvel movie?’ And you remember the first picture after that Marvel meeting that I had where I was standing [with] the Avengers thing in the back – some of you can look up that picture…there was this old Avengers copy that was behind me in that picture if you look back on my Facebook page you can find that.

What’s gonna be surreal is that picture is going to come to pass because now the Guardians will be included in Avengers: Infinity War and that’s incredibly exciting. Incredibly exciting. Incredibly exciting and something that if you were a part of our page you knew before everybody.”

It’s been rumored for a while that the Guardians of the Galaxy will likely show up in Avengers: Infinity War. Now it’s official. Alright, there’s no official word from Marvel yet, but Vin Diesel’s word is the next best thing. All-in-all, this is really exciting news!

Avengers: Infinity War is slated to hit theaters on May 4, 2018.

Source: ScreenRant