REVIEW: International Iron Man #6 – “Important Origins”

International Iron Man #6

Written By: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist(s): Alex Maleev
Color Artist: Paul Mounts
Cover: Alex Maleev
Release Date: 8/24/16
Price: $3.99

International Iron Man has sent Tony around the world after discovering that he is adopted and his real biological parents are possibly out there. This is quite the different adventure than we are used to for Iron Man, but it’s the same old Tony!


This issue focuses on Tony continuing his efforts to discover who his parents were. He finally tracks down his biological mother, Amanda and wants to know who she is and what caused her to give Tony up for adoption.


The story for this issue was actually more interesting than the previous. International Iron Man has been a back and forth story so far, offering tons of great segments while also feeling cliche and boring at times. The moments from the past, whether it’s Tony and Cassandra or now with Amanda, are really neat and insightful; however, the whole idea feels a little cheap.

International Iron Man #6

Yet, issue 6 of International Iron Man does a nice job with Amanda’s origin and making her an interesting character. Regardless of her ties to Tony, it’s fun to watch her be a normal person who was roped into S.H.I.E.L.D. along the way.

Amanda kick’s butt and hopefully her story will stay unique and interesting if they decide to continue unraveling more of it to the readers. It would also be nice to see more of Tony and Cassandra’s relationship and whether or not anything more ever came of it.


International Iron Man #6

The art for this book has been really solid so far. The separate styles for present and past have been a nice touch to add in with some cool visuals as well. In issue #6 there are a lot of cool concert scenes that feature Amanda where Maleev and Mounts created some really cool looking scenes with beautiful colors as well.

International Iron Man #6

The past scenes are given a duller and grittier feel, which has been a good style because as the readers look back on these character’s memories it gives off the feel that things are blurry and truly in the past.


While International Iron Man still hasn’t really sold me on the whole Tony is adopted idea, this was probably my favorite issue in the series so far. The scenes set in the past are what have really won me over up to this point and I loved seeing an issue dedicated to Amanda. There is still lots of story to tell, so hopefully this book can pick up a little more.