COMICS: Pick Of The Week – 9/28/16

Every Wednesday Marvel releases a number of new comic books, and we read them all here at The Marvel Report. Every week a number of our comic book reporters will be sharing their favorite issues from the previous week in our Pick of The Week column. After you’re finished reading this column each week you will either agree with us, disagree with us (hopefully not too often), or be introduced to a series that you should be reading. Let us know what you think of our picks, and give a pick of your own in the comments, or over on Twitter @TheMarvelReport.


Writer: G. Willow Wilson
Pencillers: Takeshi Miyazawa & Adrian Alphona
Colorist: Ian Herring
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna

Ms. Marvel’s latest issue blurs the lines between right and wrong even further by having Kamala using very risky means to do what she believes is necessary. The story makes good use of the events of Civil War II, and even flips expectations a little when it comes to Team Carol vs. Team Tony.

The heart of the issue, though, lies in the relationship between Kamala and Bruno. Things get really rough here, and flashbacks reminding us how close they’ve always been only make the heartbreak all the more profound. But even when things feel hopeless, Ms. Marvel has proven that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. – Tatiana


Ms. Marvel continues to be one of the strongest Civil War II tie ins in my opinion. This issue shows a major turning point in Kamala’s life and takes readers on an emotional ride hitting them right in the feels. I absolutely loved it. – Jeremy



Writer: Jason Latour
Penciller: Robbi Rodriguez
Colorist: Rico Renzi
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles

Spider-Gwen #12 was a solid issue this week. Ending the intense battle between the Punisher and Spider-Gwen. Punisher makes things personal by bringing not only Spider-Gwen to the battle, but truly the whole Stacy family.

The biggest moment from this issue is between Captain Stacy and Gwen. Gwen’s father turns himself in to allow Gwen to be the hero she was always destined to be. Throughout the Spider-Gwen run their relationship has gone through some struggles, but this scene shows that Captain Stacy fully accepts Gwen as Spider Woman. It also comes across as a very emotional scene because now Gwen is left alone to continue her journey as both Gwen Stacy and Spider Woman. Captain Stacy was her only true confidant connected to both Gwen and Spider Woman. What type of hero will Gwen be without her moral compass? – Kat



Writer: Dennis Hopeless
Penciller: Veronica Fish
Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: VC’s Travis Lanham

If the main Civil War II series featured the same level of emotions as Spider-Woman #11 it would be one of the best events that Marvel has ever put out. Instead, the main series seems to stay broad in order to appeal to a more general audience. The tie-ins are able to dive a bit deeper, and get more personal. Oh boy does this issue get personal. From the emotional moment whee Jess remembers her fallen friend, The Hulk, to the big confrontation with Carol that ends with the apparent dissolution of one of comics’ great friendships. This was just powerful stuff from Dennis Hopeless, and made even better by Veronica Fish’s art. What a great issue. – John