Hugh Jackman Reveals the Official Wolverine 3 Title

Hugh Jackman Reveals the Official Wolverine 3 Title

With Hugh Jackman’s final movie as Wolverine approaching quicker each week, there has been tons of speculation as to what the movie will be titled and which of the many amazing Wolverine stories it would choose to tell. This morning the actor took to Twitter to officially announce the title of his third solo film that will release March 3, 2017 will simply be called, Logan.

The accompanying poster for the film is quite interesting as well, because while it doesn’t give away anything at all, it does show Logan with his claws out holding the hand of a child. Although it doesn’t look like Jackman will allow himself to be called Old Man anytime soon, it will be interesting to see where this story goes and which story elements it will take from the character’s long comic life.

A lot of speculation has been popping up across the internet about the third installment in the Wolverine franchise and what it will include, but seeing him hold a child’s hand could possibly relate to X-23 and explain the inclusion of Mr. Sinister after the character was teased in the post credit scene of X-Men: Apocalypse and later confirmed to appear in the third Wolverine movie. Or could the film borrow from the acclaimed Old Man Logan comic book story but adapt it to fit with the Marvel characters Fox has available to use?

Regardless of all the possible speculation, it will be great to have Hugh Jackman back in the role as Wolverine one last time. While the actor will be greatly missed after this final installment, Logan seems like it is going to finish off Jackman’s time as the character perfectly. Hopefully more news and some teasers will begin to drop soon with the movie only six months away from being released, but learning the title will officially be Logan is a great start.