REVIEW: Civil War II #6 -“I Can No Longer Defend Any of This”

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Artist: David Marquez
Colorist: Justin Ponsor
Letterer:  VC’s Clayton Cowles
Release Date: 10/26/16
Price: $3.99



Plot:  Issue six of Civil War II picks up immediately after the events of the last issue. In the aftermath of the hero vs. hero brawl, the two opposing sides call a seize fire as Ulysses has another dark vision. As we’ve seen in the previous issue, this vision entailed Spider-Man (Miles Morales) killing Captain America (Steve Rogers). To absolutely no ones surprise, Carol still wanted to take Miles in for questioning.  Naturally, some of the heroes weren’t too pleased with Carol’s decision. The King of Wakanda himself T’Challa decided he has had enough of all the fighting.

“I can no longer defend any of this”


Black Panther wasn’t the only hero fed up with all the fighting. Moments before his well-timed speech, Captain America and Thor (accompanied by Miles) also decided to part ways with the two warring groups. This distraction has given Tony and crew (with the help of Doctor Strange) time to make a strategic withdraw, leaving Carol to sulk and process everything that just went down.


Story:  As we inch closer toward the finale, this once promising event has managed to become even more painful to get through. While the story was a bit stronger in this sixth installment, there are still glaring problems that are just too hard to ignore at this point. For one thing, the characterization is as confusing as ever. Every character (except for the young heroes of the Marvel universe, thankfully) doesn’t act like themselves. They say or do things that are so out of character that it makes even the most beloved heroes seem like shadows of their former selves.

Every now and again writer Brian Michael Bendis toys with a few compelling concepts that make you forget about all the Ulysses drama. That’s pretty sad once you think about it. Ulysses, who used to have an integral part in this event, is being overshadowed by the other moving pieces Bendis put into play. With only two issues left, you can’t help but to wonder how this all went wrong.

I do like how the struggles of Miles Morales are portrayed, though. Bendis has at least been consistent with the way our young hero is portrayed. The raw emotion of Miles who’s at the center of the conflict is palpable. You generally start to feel bad for the poor kid. Also, the young heroes as a whole who separate from the adults to eventually do their own thing (Champions) is interesting. Even the now Earthbound members of the Guardians of the Galaxy discussing their next move after the events of the last issue is pretty neat too. Considering this issue was originally intended to be the last, it makes sense for Bendis to set things up for future comics.


Art: An artist of David Marquez’s caliber should probably utilize his talents elsewhere. But nonetheless, he does a solid job at making this issue (And event as a whole) bearable. Other than the very obvious reuse of the double-page spread from last issue, I have no complaints with the work he’s been doing so far. In fact, Marquez is the best part (And that’s not saying much) about issue six.

Colorist Justin Ponsor has also been good. Despite the lack of action, Ponsor still got to flex his colorist muscles. A particular favorite panel is how bright and crisp Rocket Raccoon’s plasma blast looks as he fires at Doctor Strange and the rest of the heroes. civil-war-ii-rocket

Verdict: The story does pick up a little, but unfortunately it’s too little too late. This hollow event has crossed over to irredeemable territory.