REVIEW: Deadpool: Back In Black #2 “Merc With A Tongue”

Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Salva Espin
Colorist: Ruth Redmon
Letterer: VC’s Joe Sabino
Release Date: 10/19/16
Rating: Rated T
Price: $3.99


In 1984 the original Secret Wars which saw the heroes & villains being spirited away to Battleworld by the Beyonder. There the heroes of Earth battled against the villains.  The winner’s prize being said to be “all that you desire shall be yours.” During this event Spider-Man used the alien technology on the planet to replace his costume. The costume was later revealed to be the Venom Symbiote.

Deadpool wasn’t created until 1989 before both Secret Wars and Venom. Last year during the new Secret Wars event Marvel put out the Deadpool Secret, Secret Wars. The mini-series told a “Secret” story from the original Secret Wars where Deadpool was on the original Battleworld. In this event Deadpool tried the alien tech to get a new costume just before Spider-Man. But in doing so he created a small imprint on the symbiote.


After Spider-Man managed to free himself from the alien symbiote it bonded with Eddie Brock and became Venom. But before it found its way to Brock, the symbiote found a familiar host and bonded to Deadpool according to this sequel to Deadpool’s Secret, Secret Wars.

Plot: The Power Pack are at a birthday party when the Snarks (ZN’RX) attack them, they are almost defeated until the Friendly Neighborhood Deadpool swings in. Can Deadpool save the kids? Plus Klyntar bounty Hunters and the Black Cat!


Story: This story is really fun. Cullen Bunn tells a story where you feel like you are in this time period, but he also takes into account what future plotlines and stories would reveal. There is a distinct balance here that not many could pull off but Cullen Bunn does so effortlessly.

It was great to see the Power Pack in here, they are characters that are sadly underused by Marvel. I loved seeing their personalities shine, each one had their own little moment in the spotlight, as well as a few as a team.


Another thing that really made me smile here was seeing classic Felicia Hardy/Black Cat. Recently (Superior Spider-Man) Marvel has really put her through the ringer, making her almost unrecognizable to fans. Everything from personality to appearance the current Black Cat feels so strange and out of character. Here we see that playful line-walking Black Cat that endeared Felicia Hardy to fans for decades.

The quips here are fun for Spider-Man and Deadpool fans alike. The mistaken identity, which has been a part of Deadpool’s schtick since he was created, kick into overdrive here, and doesn’t seem forced.  I also enjoyed references to great power, and great responsibility as well as the little jokes about Spider-Man being that everyday working man.


I would love to see Deadpool bond with the Venom Symbiote in real continuity. The fun that can be had in that! Come on Marvel, Flash Thompson is losing the symbiote and he is gaining a new host, he could have a pit stop with old Wade. Just imagine the possibilities, the jokes, the mayhem!

Art: The art here is really well done. Salva Espin does an excellent job at not just appealing to current comic aesthetics, while maintaining a classic appearance. The designs are handled really well done, Salva Espin has a firm grasp on the characters and the setting here.


The best and worst design is Deadpool’s alien symbiote suit! It’s the best because man it just looks so damn sweet! But that also makes it the worst, because this isn’t really something that we can revisit. Deadpool can’t go “Back To Black” like SPider-Man has and use a regular costume that resembles this, since it never existed in real continuity. The closest thing to it is the X-Force suit, which just a black and gray version of his regular costume, while this is a new design that incorporates the classic costume.  

The colors here are also really great, they make the art pop out even more and bring everything to life. This really shows the most with the Power Pack, their costumes and powers just jump out at you on the pages due to the vibrant color pallette


Verdict: Overall I thought this was a great fun read! Take a trip in the Wayback Machine and have a little fun with Deadpool and Venom, the Merc with a Tongue!