Deadpool To Appear In X-Force Film, Promises “An R-Rated Decible”

Deadpool 2 is going into production this year, but that won’t be the end of the character or the last we’ll see of him in future X-Men films.  According to Simon Kinberg, X-Force writer, the Merc with a Mouth will appear in X-Force. picked up the news and reported that Kinberg thinks the pairing will have “An r-rated decible”

“‘Deadpool 2’ is going into production this year. Then ‘X-Force,’ which is a combination of Deadpool, and Cable — they’re like the Black ops of the X-Men. They’re much darker.”

“There are other X-Men characters coming into X-Force at different times in the comic, but it’s separate from X-Men. There is a larger architecture to tell these stories in. I talk to the studio all the time about this and there is a plan for how these movies can connect and be a part of a larger narrative,”

In the wake of everyone talking cinematic universes, it would appear that Fox is poised to relaunch (or rethink) their X-men properties and tell stories outside the circle of characters people have gotten to know since X-Men in 2000.

According to Kinberg, the series will be fun and explore new tones with the X-Men franchise.  It’s not just about integrating the characters into a universe, it’s about trying to create a real universe where they can all interact, doing their own thing that so far seems to be working.

“It’s something that’s fun, exciting and it will be interesting to see how we marry the different tones that we’ve been generating in these standalone movies of the X-Men universe” Kinberg said,  “But we go into making the best movie we can. It’s not just about a Colossus or Deadpool cameo. Connecting all of these movies will happen when it organically makes sense. These movies aren’t simply being built as stepping stones to a larger story. Each one is wholly enclosed and a movie worth seeing.”

Josh Boone’s New Mutants is slated to begin production in April of this year with X-Men: Supernova slated to hit in mid-May.  FX’s Legion is on Wednesdays at 10 and an untitled X-Men pilot is slated to begin shooting soon.  Are you excited about these new mutant characters?  Who would you like to see on the big screen? With Logan having dominated the box office, an R rated take on the X-Men would be great.  Sound off in the comments below and tell us just what you think!