Marvel Comics Tease Generations Event for Summer 2017

Marvel Comics Release Synopsis of Generations

As I wrote back in mid-February, Marvel Comics teased an event called Generations for the Summer of 2017. While much was not known back then, we got a little bit more information on the subject later today from Amazon of all places. CBR caught the posting on Amazon and confirmed with Marvel its authenticity. While it doesn’t tell us much about what’s coming, it tells us more than we knew, which was still nothing.

Once upon a time, a skinny kid from New York City picked up a shield and charged into battle… a prodigal son lifted a sacred hammer and proved himself worthy… and an arrogant genius forged an armor that would harness his true potential. And together, they became Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Today, that heroic legacy lives on in the next generation of heroes – and it will be put to the test as the Marvel Universe’s greatest champions unite and charge headlong into tomorrow!

Talk about ambiguous, right? Between the Alex Ross picture and that synopsis, I’ll be expecting comic book sites to have a full workup on the future of the Summer series. Joking aside, this does look like Marvel is attempting to bridge the gap between characters people knew and loved and characters that people are still trying to learn and grow with in the All New, All Different future.

Whether or not Generations brings in past characters or simply pays homage to them as only Marvel can, time will tell. Ross has been involved with Marvel since 1994, when his first series Marvels made its debut. Now Ross is poised to bring Marvel into future (past?) with a new mini-series. Amazon lists the hardcover at a price of $50.00 and has a release date of November 21, 2017, which would mean that the hardcover is likely going to serve as the trade for the mini-series.

Are you excited for Generations? What do you think it is? Do you think Marvel should bring back characters from their past or should they continue to push forward with the newer stories and new heroes?