REVIEW : Spider-Man #14 – Sitting In A Tree Part 5

Spider-Man #14
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciler : Sara Pichelli
Colorist : Justin Ponsor
Letterer : VC’s Corey Petit
Release Date : 3/15/17
Price : $3.99


The big Miles Morales/Spider-Gwen crossover continues here. The two spiders continue to search for Miles’ father by hopping through the multiverse. However, just like any classic spider adventure, luck is not on their side. Their watches are on the fritz and they just have to deal with it.


So I’ve been enjoying this crossover so far, but this one is definitely a filler issue. All it really contains is just Miles and Gwen jumping from universe to universe. Nothing major actually happened up until the final page. It was extremely fast-paced with quick, snappy and classic Bendis dialogue. He has such an awesome voice for Gwen. She really got to shine here, but Bendis also makes sure to balance them so that one doesn’t outshine the other. I love their dynamic – that is probably the one thing keeping me hooked on this story.


As much as I enjoyed the dialogue, the art was the real star here. Oh man, Sara Pichelli got to really flex her art muscles here, guys. The action sequences all just fly off the page, and all her interpretations of the different worlds were unique and absolutely beautiful. After reading this, I really want to see her on a Spider-Man Noir or Marvel Zombies book. Pichelli is known for very clean and beautiful art, but jeez those zombies were straight up terrifying. When a story isn’t very plot heavy it helps that it’s an extremely beautiful book to look at. Everything from pencils to colors and letters was on point. Personally I think this is the best looking issue of the crossover so far.


Like I said, there wasn’t much in terms of plot here. This was a filler issue, but that isn’t always a bad thing. The dynamic between Gwen and Miles continues to be really entertaining. I don’t personally ship them romantically, but their friendship is great. Bendis has a very strong voice for Gwen. Its also nice for her to play the mentor role to someone for a change, especially since she knows just what Miles is going through right now. The art was fantastic. I loved Pichelli’s take on the different universes. In my opinion, you could skip this issue if your pull list is heavy. But if you’ve been enjoying this crossover so far and want to have a fun time with these characters, I say go pick up Spider-Man #13

Star Rating
