Zazie Beetz Cast As Domino In Deadpool 2

Earlier today, Ryan Reynolds took to Twitter to announce the casting of Domino in Deadpool 2 in just about the coolest way possible:

That’s right, he spelled out Zazie Beetz using dominoes. Beetz currently plays Van in FX’s Atlanta, and we look forward to seeing her jump to the big screen. Alongside her comic book lover Cable, Domino’s casting has been the most talked about for the upcoming Deadpool 2. Blogs had teemed with possibilities that Janelle Monae would be playing the role, among others, but now someone from the film has finally come forward with confirmation. Domino is known for her exceptional marksmanship and hand-to-hand skills, as well as her probability-altering mutant powers which one might compare to the “Domino Effect.” She first appeared in 1992’s X-Force #8 and has been a staple ever since.

The first Deadpool film’s cast will remain mostly intact, considering that Colossus (Stefan Kapcic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) are confirmed to reappear. Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), Weasel (T.J. Miller) and Al (Leslie Uggams) are also likely cast members for the second film. With Domino’s casting finally revealed, the only missing piece is Cable.

While it seems that Deadpool 2 ran into a little behind-the-scenes trouble a while back, with director Tim Miller dropping out, the team has since righted the ship. John Wick co-director David Leitch is set to direct the film, and screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are back for the sequel as well.

Deadpool 2 is still technically unscheduled, it is suspected that the release date will be March 2, 2018. After all, there is an untitled Fox/Marvel project slotted for that date. And wouldn’t it be something if the movie came out almost a year to the date after the critically-acclaimed Logan?

What do you think of Zazie Beetz as Domino? Who do you think should play her partner Cable? Let us know in the comments below!