
REVIEW: Bullseye #4 – “All For Something That Meant Nothing To Me”

Writer: Ed Brisson
Penciller: Guillermo Sanna
Colorist: Miroslav Mrva
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Rating: M
Price: $3.99
Release Date: 5/3/17


This issue of Bullseye was more on point with what I expect from a character like him. People in his line of work aren’t often filled with sentiment or personal attachment. Rarely do they take the names of the people they down and they’re never concerned with collateral damage. This book sees Joy Jones trying to extract an apology out of Bullseye, only to come up massively short and ending up in a predicament of her own.

I found myself really enjoying this fourth issue. Maybe it’s because Bullseye is no longer making play as a hero, but it felt more natural to see Bullseye taking on the persona he had in this issue than in the past couple of issues. He’s not really a likable guy and trying to flip the script on that is like putting your hand on a lit stove because it’s cold. It’ll solve the problem, but then you have a whole bunch of news one to deal with after people get done reading it.


Plot: Bullseye continues his rescue mission, trying to save Raph Losani’s son, Fabian, from the Black Knife Cartel in Colombia, except now he knows that Fabian is working for the Black Knife Cartel. While Fabian seems to think he’s succeeding where his father failed, Bullseye knows that he’s an expendable asset once the BKC are able to supplant the Kingpin as the drug lords of New York City, maybe even the entire nation, paraphrasing Fabian.  

Story: The story definitely picked up in terms of fun in this issue. Captured heroes trying to plan escapes has always been an amusing pastime of mine and there are plenty of escapes to be made in this issue. The tiger scenes were just plain awesome. Now it’s time for Bullseye to figure out how to get out of this jam with S.H.I.E.L.D. crashing the party. You can be sure whatever escape he concocts will be a doozy.  


Brisson et al. were finally able to find their stride with this series, but it took until about book three for that to actually go down. Now that the story is moving in a proper direction, the dialogue and interaction between the characters is much more poignant and powerful. The scene with Agent Jones and Bullseye in the middle of a shootout is one that will stick with readers for a while. This may be a comic book, but there is a lot of hard truth in what Bullseye had to say to Jones, whether she liked it or not.  


Art: Guillermo Sanna really upped his expression game in this book. The look of dismay, frustration, anger, and lack of understanding were all present on Joy Jones’ face as she tried to get Bullseye to even admit that he killed her husband. The look on Fabian’s face when he realizes just how not-in-charge he is with the Black Knife Cartel is also an amusing moment. The book’s art has grown on me to the point where I no longer mind some of the abstract concepts used within, it’s all part of the flavor that Sanna and Miroslave Mrva bring to the table.

Verdict: Bullseye is wrapping up and it’s getting to that point where someone has to say whether or not the series is worth reading. I really thought The Perfect Game was a much more entertaining side story for Bullseye, but this limited run allowed us to see him in a different light. I liked the book and I am not upset that I read the series. There is still one book to go, but I am reasonably sure it will end with a bang. I will know for sure this time next month, but for now I will say that this book is by far the best in the series and I would very much recommend it if you’re already reading or thinking about reading this Bullseye series. — JW

Rating: 3.75/5 Stars