REVIEW: The Unstoppable Wasp #7 – “Dammit Janet!”

Writer: Jeremy Whitley
Penciler: Veronica Fish
Colorist: Megan Wilson
Letterer: VC’S Joe Caramagna
Release Date: 07/05/17
Price: $3.99

Unstoppable Wasp

After the battle of  Red Room last issue, Janet Van Dyne, the OG Unstoppable Wasp is here to help. It is a heartwarming look at Janet’s growth and heart.


The anxiety of the Red Room is heavy in this issue, which is narrated by Janet Van Dyne. Ying is in the hospital after passing out last issue and Janet is called in to go to the hospital with Nadia. She is brought in as a form of supportive reassurance for Nadia and the rest of the girls. Nadia is extremely frantic and constantly blaming herself for the attack on Ying.

Yes, Nadia manages to calm down with help from Janet but the fear of the Red Room lingers in her. She does not trust any of the doctors and can barely keep it together to get the lab up and going again. Janet goes on a trip down memory lane to contact as much help as possible. Janet calls upon both the Avengers and Pym Labs for help. Soon after, Whirlwind and the Beetle show up but Nadia and Janet are having none of it. The girls begin to fight the pair and even Ying awakens to join the fight. After the battle, Janet takes all her girls for a good ol’ taco meal at her place.


Whitley has the task of bringing a character like Janet, an Avenger still quite unknown and still not quite as loved as others, to the forefront. What Whitley does is make the decision to have this issue focus not on Janet’s past but more on her growth. The Unstoppable Wasp series focuses on women and their relationships with each other so this decision makes a lot of sense. Janet has a lot of experience now and she no longer wants to be viewed just as a woman Avenger, she wants to be viewed as Janet Van Dyne. Whitley brings forward all the assumptions made about Janet, the reasons she gets dismissed by her peers and enemies, only to shatter them.

Unstoppable Wasp

Whitley highlights that Janet is more than one note. Janet is not just an Avenger, she is not just a woman, she is not just a maternal figure and she is not just somebody’s widow. Yet, what is so powerful about this issue is that while Janet realizes she is more than all these things she also knows it’s okay to be any one of them.  It is a issue that focuses on women helping women and Janet is a maternal figure to these women.


These young women look up to Janet and they are happy to have her there as a support. Janet realizing it is okay to be maternal is what brings the most heart.


Veronica Fish does a beautiful job in this issue to help push Whitley’s writing more. Fish has a very distinct style when drawing landscapes and characters. Janet being the original Wasp is also a point that Fish plays on. The art of this issue feels very vintage and classic. Yet, it is not boring. Fish makes sure the art is dynamic and engaging for readers.

Unstoppable Wasp

Even the most simplistic moments such as Janet taking a bath somehow remains engaging to read. The colors from Megan Wilson also add a dynamic feel. It is not extremely vibrant like many comics, but rather subtle and soft. With that being said, Wilson knows that this is the best decision to make to go along with Fish and Whitley’s parts. Overall, it is not the most spectacular or visionary art for an issue, but it fits with the tone which is often more important.


The story of this issue may outshine the art, but all together they fit perfectly. This is an issue that would be more loved by big fans of Janet. Yet, even if you are not a huge fan of Janet is a heartwarming story about a woman learning to accept herself and love others at no cost. Watching Janet bond with Nadia and the rest of the girls is extremely heartwarming and showcases her growth. Above all, I believe that the story has a great message at its core that is really important for women to read especially.

Star Rating
