The Marvel Report’s Guide To San Diego Comic Con

We’ll be sending our best and brightest in to bring you the latest news on everything Marvel.  They’ll be providing updates as often as they can on every topic that they cover. And there’s something for all geeky fans, we’re not just limited to Marvel! These are some of the most dedicated people we’ve ever fielded. Check out their Twitters and Instagrams for more!
Andy Behbakht (Owner and Editor In Chief)
Lauren Gallaway ( Editor In Chief )
Brittney Rivera (Editor/Senior Writer)
Tatiana Hullender (Senior Writer)
Shawn (Editor and Senior Writer)
Carolyn Poddig (Senior Writer)
We’ve got some great content heading your way in the next few days so keep it tuned to The Marvel Report for all the MARVELous news at San Diego Comic Con!