Titans Podcast

Titans Podcast Season 0 – Episode 0: Titans Together

Welcome to Episode Zero of Season Zero for the new DC TV Podcasts show: Titans Podcast, your number one source for all things related to the upcoming Teen Titans live-action series, Titans! On this episode, Kat Calamia, Andy Behbakht, Corinne McCreery and Amy Giardiniere come together to give new listeners an introduction to the hosts as well as the podcast.

Throughout this episode, the gang talks about the development history of this DC Comics show that has been in the works since 2014. In addition to that, they talk about what is known about the series so far, what characters they hope to see join the show as well as their hopes and overall expectations of the show. That and so much more on this episode of the Titans Podcast!

“Titans explores one of the most popular comic book teams ever. It follows a group of young soon-to-be superheroes recruited from every corner of the DC Universe. In the action-adventure series, Dick Grayson emerges from the shadows to become the leader of a fearless band of new heroes that includes Starfire, Raven and others.”

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