Jean Grey’s X-Men: Red Team Announced

Jean Grey’s X-Men: Red team has been announced! We reported previously on the announcement of the new comic series featuring Jean Grey. At the time little was known about the book aside from the writing team. Jean Grey’s supporting characters have been revealed. News comes via Comic Book Resources and Newsarama.

Marvel tweeted an image with Jean Grey and the other mutants who will be joining her team. Check it out!


I don’t know about you but this looks like a badass team to me! The lineup consists of Nightcrawler, Laura Kinney/Wolverine, Laura Kinney’s clone little sister: Gabby,  Gentle, Namor, and Trinary.

Mark Paniccia, the editor of the X-Men group, had this to say in a press release:

“We’ve also got one more fan-favorite hero joining the team in this first arc. As the threat level escalates, Jean needs to build a highly specialized team…not just those she trusts, but allies who can survive the oncoming storm.”

Is the word storm a hint? Could Ororo be joining the team? Or Perhaps, Jean Grey’s off and on love, Scott Summers? Who do you think the additional member is?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

X-Men red will be launched in Febraury with Tom Taylor writing the series and Mahmud Asrar doing the art. Cover art for the series will be by Travis Charest. No other information about the series has been released yet!

As always we’ll keep you updated on all things Jean Grey and Marvel.