#SHIELD100: Agents of SHIELD Top 5 Most Lamented Deaths

 3. Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln Campbell’s reception on the show may have been mixed, but Lincoln mattered to Daisy and the pair of them became a major ship for seasons 2 and 3. Dubbed #StaticQuake by fans, their relationship started with Campbell teaching Daisy about her Inhuman history. He is the one who eventually introduces her to her mother. Acting as her transitioner the two end up falling in love.

Their bliss doesn’t last for long as Campbell is pursued by the ATCU who have information about his personal history and dark past involving the death of his previous girlfriend and a history of alcoholism. Lincoln was trusted by Jiaying, who doled out Terragenesis very carefully in an attempt to keep anyone unbalanced from becoming Inhuman. She eventually betrayed Campbell’s trust by killing innocent SHIELD agents which led the doctor-turned-SHIELD agent to join the organization and Daisy’s Secret Warriors team.

Campbell would eventually sacrifice himself by stowing aboard the Quinnjet and taking off with Hive in tow. The ship detonated above the atmosphere, killing Hive and Lincoln at the same time.

Lincoln was an important character who added some X-Men like politics to Agents of SHIELD and showcased the Inhumans and their society far better than future works would have. He was a good character and Luke Mitchell’s offscreen presence is clearly missed by the cast and fans.