2. Rosalind Price

A heartbreaking figure connected to Phil Coulson, Rosalind Price was the head of the Advanced Threat Containment Unit (ATCU) and seemed to be a direct antagonist of the team. After Daisy’s battle with her mother resulted in the Earth’s food and water supply being contaminated with Terrigen, Price was tasked with hunting down Inhumans. She soon began to discover a conspiracy regarding murdered Inhumans.
Eventually she and Coulson’s initially antagonistic banter developed into romance with the two seeing each other unofficially. As spies, the pair of them meshed well. Price was a widow and Phil was a man with an adopted family. The two managed to find a degree of peace, even enjoying a burger date before Ward shot and killed Rosalind as retaliation for the death of Agent 33, his partner and love interest.
Coulson ultimately took his revenge for Price by crushing Ward’s chest on Maveth. However every action has consequences. The villainous Inhuman Hive escaped to earth in Ward’s body and directly caused the death of Lincoln Campbell, driving Daisy away from Coulson and the SHIELD team. While they reunited, it’s hard to deny that Rosalind Price played a huge impact both on screen and off with Constance Zimmer becoming, like every cast member, a member of the Agents of SHIELD family.