Mark and Atom Eve

Invincible Season 2 Episode 8 Review – “I THOUGHT YOU WERE STRONGER”

We have finally reached the Season 2 finale of Invincible, and it is a mixed response from fans online. Some major moments occurred but left us wanting so much more. Invincible had a huge delay between Season 1 & Season 2. I feel like this hurt the show for some viewers. However, the storytelling still works for me, and the fights are just as insane. There are a lot of things to break down and discuss from this week’s episode. Let’s start with one of the biggest moments from the episode.

Agent Spider voiced by Josh Keaton

Agent Spider voiced by Josh Keaton

Mark met Spider-Man, well not really. During the Angstrom showdown in the first half of the episode, Mark was sent through portals to different universes. One universe featured a character who is pictured above named Agent Spider, who is voiced by Josh Keaton. The hero is fighting a villain similar to Doctor Octopus and is quipping like Spider-Man would. It was rumored that since Spider-Man has crossed over with Invincible, this would also happen in the series. This was never going to happen due to copyright issues, but I’m glad the team behind Invincible found a way to pay homage to that iconic crossover.

Other little teases during the portal sequences was Mark using a Fortnite sniper as a bat to hit Angstrom. The Walking Dead was also teased with zombies coming after Mark. The biggest one is the cape cameo from Batman. I was shocked that he was speaking with him, even though all we see is a cape flowing. It was a nice nod that the show covered Marvel and DC in their ways during these scenes. Angstrom also witnessed evil versions of Invincible, which were brutal. Proving how different the multiverse can be with the same character we have been following.

Amber & Mark at the end of the episode.

Amber & Mark at the end of the episode.

Once Mark killed Angstrom for hurting his mom and brother. He was stranded, and broken over how he lost control. He obliterated Angstrom, it was one of the darker scenes of the show. Mark was stranded, and I was curious as to how he would get home. I started to believe it would be a cliffhanger for Season 3, but alas it wasn’t. A version of the Guardians of the Globe from the future arrives, saving him from his prison on this desolate planet. The older Atom Eve admits to Mark that she loves him, and to tell her from his present something, anything about how he feels. Mark ultimately decides to not say anything when he arrives home, and honestly, it’s too soon after Amber.

Immortal, who is taking a break from being a hero, is astonished to find out Dupli-Kate is alive. I am so happy I was correct on this prediction. I was saying that I bet Dupli-Kate has another clone hidden away, and I was correct. The original has a zero on her costume, and the one we kept seeing duplicate herself had a one on hers. She was always living through a clone’s life. The question is, does she reveal she is alive to the Guardians? Does she go back to being a hero after what happened? This reveal is left in the air for speculation.

Omni-Man at the end of the Season 2 Finale

Omni-Man at the end of the Season 2 Finale

During the mid-credit scene, Omni-Man speaks with Allen The Alien about what might happen next to them. Omni-Man tells Allen to leave Mark out of this fight, but it is too late. I get Omni-Man’s point, as he wants his son not involved, but there is no turning back from what is to come. Surprisingly, he admits to Allen that he misses his wife, and that is the final thing we hear before the credits. I think this implies he will try to escape with Allen, and head back to earth to help Mark against the invasion to come. He won’t just be accepted back, but I can see this being a possible outcome.

We had a variety of other things go down in this episode, and it seems there are mixed feelings from fans. They wanted more out of this episode, especially with the huge wait from Season 1 to 2. Also with the months-long break from episodes 1-4 to 5-8. I was happy with what we got, as we know Season 3 is coming, and there is still a lot of story to tell. Invincible isn’t perfect, but it is one of the strongest superhero shows airing right now. There are many things to discuss from these episodes, and what they mean overall for the future of the series. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait as long for this next season.

Invincible Season 2 Episode 8 is now available on Amazon Prime Video