WARNING: Spoilers for the seventh episode of House of the Dragon
Rock the Dragon.

Dragon’s Roar
The penultimate episode begins with Rhaenrya confronting Seasmoke’s claimed rider with hesitation & query only to be rewarded with immediate allegiance. Addam of Hull bends the knee to Rhaenrya without hesitating but also proves Rhaenrya’s theory about those without noble blood being able to take dragons. The confrontation is reminiscent of westerns, with the dragons acting as weapons ready to draw. This scenario is a double victory: Rhaenrya gains another dragon rider, and Addam’s dreams of becoming something greater are imagined.

Whispers in the Wind
When brought back to Dragonstone, news of Addam’s lineage of being lowborn causes some concern among Queen Rhaenrya’s council. Lord Corlys reminds the council to not pass judgment on the new rider until hearing from Rhaenrya. The news also makes its way to King’s Landing. Lord Larys receives the news from Ironrod. Upon consultation, Larys advises Ironrod to leave this whisper “to the wind.” Larys deliberately kept this information from Aemond following the very vocal and public shaming he received in the episode prior, and finds pleasure in manipulating events for amusement. Lord Larys’ actions are very reminiscent of Lord Baylish’s tactics in Game of Thrones however the desire for the throne does not tempt Larys in the same way it did Baylish.

Upon meeting with Mysaria, Rhaenrya reflects on how people of the realm spoke ill of her children behind her back. Now with Addam becoming a dragon rider, Rhaenrya reaffirms her position to seek out dragon seeds – “Let us raise an army of bastards.” Emma D’Arcy has been nothing short of phenomenal with their line delivery, performance, and range of emotions needed to exhibit not how complicated the character is per se, but the complex nature of the character’s situation. Accompanied by the struggle to gain the iron throne while being a woman in a world where men remain dominant.

Lord of the Riverlands
Grover Tully is dead. Oscar Tully is officially named Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, giving Daemon ample opportunity to unite the riverlords under his banner. However, this is met with some tension. After ordering the Blackwoods to carry out savage war crimes, the loyalty of Oscar is called into question. Despite being young, Tully proves a cunning lord in his own right by having Daemon make amends for his out-of-control behavior and calling for justice on Willem Blackwood’s war crimes. This display of cunning leadership grants Tully some respect from Daemon. However, Daemon then reflects upon his choices and is visited by his brother, Viserys in another lucid hallucination. Viserys then confides in his brother the weight of the crown, and the pain it causes then asks “Do you want it still?”. This conversation is a manifestation of the guilt weighing on Daemon has done at Harrenhal.

Slow Recovery
Back in King’s Landing, Aegon is having a forced speedy recovery. Orwyle tries to help Aegon begin to walk but to no avail. Aegon crumbles to the floor in pain. Larys enters the room to assist in getting the king back in bed to rest. However, he tells Orwlye to continue accelerating Aegon’s recovery process. Orwyle pushes back on the speed of healing, but Larys continues to push for the king’s restoration. Given Aegon’s pretentious attitude and treatment of people throughout House of the Dragon, audiences are probably amused by his current state. Is Larys trying to expedite Aegon’s health because he wants Aemond out of power? Time will certainly tell.

Search for the Dragonseeds
Rhaenrya’s prospect of seeking out dragon riders by anyone with any Targaryen blood is challenged by Jace but quickly dismissed. Corlys and Mysaria put the word out across Driftmark and King’s Landing for anyone with potential heritage to embark on Dragonstone to become a dragon rider. Among them are Hugh and Ulf, who ultimately go on to claim Vermithor and Silverwing, respectively. When Hugh claimed Vermithor it felt earned. After spending this season being fed up with the leadership displayed by Team Green, embarking on a journey to Dragonstone and claiming the biggest dragon will give Hugh the means to fight for what he feels is right. Hugh also witnessed many get burned to death by the breath of Vermithor. Ulf claiming Silverwing felt a little more comedic but still satisfying.

Dragon v Dragon: Dawn of War
The final moments in this week’s episode of House of the Dragon culminated in Ulf flying Silverwing over King’s Landing. This causes Aemond to quickly mount Vhaegar and fly towards the dragon, only to fly straight to Dragonstone and see Rhaenrya with two more behind her. Immediately retreating, the Prince Regent looks terrified, knowing he will have to encounter multiple dragons in a showdown with his half-sister. With one episode left, it will be interesting to see how this season of House of the Dragon ends. The teaser for the finale offers a glimpse at a fire, the dragon’s rage, tense interactions, and more war.
New episodes of House of the Dragon air on Sundays on HBO.