In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes was born on March 17, 1917. Today, in celebration of Bucky’s...
“Regina is Regina and Regina is the real deal. Period. Full stop. Now that can be the headline…” John Ridley...
Like many Marvel Report members, I have a hard time ranking MCU films and TV shows. I feel like each...
It might be a little late, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have something on D23 Expo 2022 for you,...
I was driving home from work one afternoon and was listening to the radio when Heathens by 21 Pilots from the...
Three characters down, two to go. Ever since Marvel kicked off the street level side of the MCU with Daredevil on...
This has been an incredibly special year for Marvel fans. We launched The Marvel Report, we got to meet countless fans...
Ever since Disney acquired the rights to Marvel and incorporated our favorite heroes into Disney Parks, the result has been...
Welcome to the Peggy Carter Podcast! Lauren Gallaway, Amy Marie and Scott Murray host the PCP through the Assembly of...
By Chris Carey Greetings, True Believers! Welcome to the first installment of MarvelUs – a new, biweekly column for The...