Following Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, it’s time to step away from the Multiverse for a minute and...
Marvel is developing a project featuring Richard Rider AKA Nova to be written by Moon Knight writer Sabir Pirzada.
Fans awaiting Morbius’ big-screen debut have a new trailer to tide them over. Sony dropped a third trailer for the...
Super Bowl is officially underway and as usual, Marvel Studios did not come empty-handed. The studio released not only a...
Russell Crowe is joining the cast of Sony’s upcoming Marvel movie Kraven The Hunter as reported by The Hollywood Reporter....
Read on for all the 2022 MCU release dates we know of so far including Moon Knight, Doctor Strange 2, and more.
Marvel has released the first trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Watch it here.
Mahershala Ali won’t be the only star in Marvel’s Blade to get another round with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While...
One of Phase 4’s most anticipated films of all time is the trilogy finale to Peter Parker’s franchise, Spider-Man: No...
Eternals won the weekend box office with $71 million, marking the 4th highest debut of the pandemic. Read more here.