The upcoming Marvel Studios film Shang-Chi, which will be the first Asian superhero movie from the Disney owned company, has...
Captain Marvel is the 21st film released by Marvel Studios in the Cinematic Universe lineup. The film takes place in...
The cast for Sony’s Morbius is really starting to come together. Jared Leto is already on board to pay the...
Jared Harris has joined Jared Leto in Sony’s Morbius adaptation. The film focuses on Michael Morbius, a brilliant biochemist. After...
March Captain Marvel (Mar. 8, In theatres) April Cloak & Dagger Season 2 (April 4, Freeform) Avengers: End Game (Apr....
It’s the coming end of an era for the X-Men Cinematic Universe as one of the two final installments of...
Last night Black Panther made Marvel history bringing home three Academy Awards. The film won for Best Costume Design (Ruth Carter), Best...
With the social media embargo lifted for Captain Marvel, it’s good news for fans and bad news for Thanos. Critics...
By Chuck Rice With the 91st Academy Awards only a few days away, there’s much to celebrate on this year’s...
We’re getting closer to Captain Marvel. The film will introduce several new characters, and represents a pivotal change in the...