It’s rather appropriate that the seventh episode of WandaVision kicked off with a massive breakdown of Disney Plus. The show...
“Halloween is a magical holiday about being whoever you want to be.” WandaVision’s Halloween episode starts off with Billy telling...
WandaVision has finally pulled back the curtain in episode 4 and, much like Neo discovering the real world, we’ve seen just what makes up the reality.
WandaVision's third episode proves that nothing is what it seems in Westview with hilarious and strange hijinks
WandaVision is, in many ways, an homage to the sitcoms of the past. But the MCU's first Disney+ show is also so much more.
With October’s list of horror streaming offerings longer than ever, you might be surprised to learn Marvel has also jumped...
Agents of SHIELD wraps up the Chronicom storyline to satisfaction in its two-part series finale, but the true strength lies in the emotional arcs of its characters.
"Brand New Day" was not the penultimate Agents of SHIELD episode fans hoped for, but it does deliver a top-notch Fitzsimmons flashback that sets the stage for the finale.
Agents of SHIELD manages to raise its impossible stakes once more in “Stolen.” In the wake of Enoch’s sacrifice, the...
"As I Have Always Been" is a monumental episode of Agents of SHIELD, with standout performances from Joel Stoffer and Chloe Bennet, and a beautiful directorial debut for Elizabeth Henstridge.