The scope and look of the Inhumans television series has been up for debate for awhile now. Originally slated to be a...
Hard to believe now but there was a time, not all that long ago, when Iron Man was considered one...
The Inhumans have been cast and the show is currently filming in Hawaii. The series is shaping up to be...
Squadron Supreme #7 Written By: James Robinson Pencils By: Leonard Kirk & Paolo Villanelli Inks By: Paul Nery &...
The Inhumans have at last arrived! After the initial announcement, months of waiting, new posters and much more – the trailer has...
The Inhumans are coming. While the internet has been abuzz about the labor day Imax Event, the basic premiere date for the series...
New Marvel Comic Book & Related Merchandise Scheduled for Wednesday June 7, 2017 This is Marvel Shipping NOW! Where we...
BLACK BOLT #7 Writer: Saladin Ahmed Artist: Frazer Irving Letterer: Clayton Cowles Price: $3.99 Release Date: 11/1/17 Black Bolt broke free...
INHUMANS V X-MEN #0 Writer: Charles Soule Artist: Kenneth Rocafort Colorist: Dan Brown Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles Release Date: 11/30/16...
We’re beyond excited to see Inhumans finally come to TV after its IMAX release. With a season 5 renewal for Agents of SHIELD, the...